Thursday, July 2, 2015

Gayatri Mantra Explainted Scientifically

Gayatri Mantra has been bestowed the Greatest Importance in Vedic Dharma. 
This Mantra has also been termed as Savitri and Ved-Mata, the mother of the Vedas.

ll Om Bhoor Bhuvah Swaah 
Tat Savitur Vare Nyam 
Bhargo Dev Asya Dhee Mahi 
Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracho Dayaat ll

The literal meaning of the Mantra is:

O God! You are Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Almighty, You are all Light. You are all Knowledge and Bliss. You are Destroyer of Fear, You are Creator of this Universe, You are the Greatest of All. We bow and meditate upon Your Light. You guide our intellect in the right direction. 

 Mantra, however, has a great scientific importance too, which somehow got lost in the literary tradition. The modern astrophysics and astronomy tell us that our Galaxy called Milky Way or Akash-Ganga contains approximately 100,000 million of Stars. Each Star is like our Sun having its own planet system. We know that the Moon moves round the Earth and the Earth moves round the Sun along with the Moon. All planets round the Sun. Each of the above bodies revolves round at its own axis as well. Our Sun along with its family takes one round of the Galactic Center in 22.5 crore years. All Galaxies including ours are moving away at a terrific velocity of 20,000 miles per second. 

And now the alternative scientific meaning of the mantra step by step:


Bhoor the Earth, Bhuvah the Planets (solar family), Swaah the Galaxy. 
We observe that when an ordinary fan with a speed of 900 RPM (rotations per minute) moves, it makes noise. 
Then, one can imagine, what great noise would be created when the galaxies move with a speed of 20,000 miles per second. 
This is what this portion of the Mantra explains that the sound produced due to the fast-moving Earth, Planets and Galaxies is Om. 
The sound was heard during Meditation by Rishi Vishvamitra, who mentioned it to other colleagues. 
All of them, then unanimously decided to call this sound Om the name of God, because this sound is available in all the three periods of time, hence it is set (permanent). 
Therefore, it was the first ever revolutionary idea to identify formless God with a specific title (form) called Upadhi. Until that time, everybody recognized God as formless and nobody was prepared to accept this new idea. 
In the Gita also, it is said - "Omiti Ekaksharam Brahma", meaning that the name of the Supreme is Om, which contains only one syllable (8/12). This sound Om heard during Samaadhi was called by all the seers Nada-Nrahma a very great noise, but not a noise that is normally heard beyond a specific amplitude and limits of decibels suited to human hearing. 
Hence the Rishis called this sound Udgith Musical Sound of the above i.e. Heaven. They also noticed that the infinite mass of galaxies moving with a velocity of 20,000 miles/second was generating a Kinetic Energy = 1/2 MV2 and this was balancing the total energy consumption of the Cosmos. Hence they named it Pranavah, which means the Body (Vapu) or store House of Energy. 

Tat that (God), Savitur the Sun (Star), Vare Nyam worthy of Bowing or Respect. Once the form of a person along with the name is known to us, we may locate the specific person. 
Hence the Two Titles (Upadhi) provide the solid ground to identify the Formless God, Vishvamitra suggested. He told us that we could know (realize) the unknowable Formless God through the known factors, viz., sound Om and Light of Suns (Stars). 
A Mathematician can solve an equation x2+y2=4; if x=2; then you can be known and so on. An Engineer can measure the width of a River even by standing at the riverbank just by drawing a Triangle. So was the scientific method suggested by Vishvamitra in the Mantra in the next portion as under:-  


Bhargo the Light, Dev Asya of the Deity, Dhee Mahi we should meditate. 
The Rishi instructs us to meditate upon the available form (light of suns) to discover the formless Creator (God). Also he wants us to do Jap of the word Om (this is understood in the Mantra). 
This is how the sage wants us to proceed, but there is a great problem to realize it, as the human mind is so shaky and restless that without the grace of the Supreme (Brahma) it cannot be controlled. Hence Vishvamitra suggests the way to pray Him as under:  

Dhiyo (intellect), Yo (who), Nah (we all), Pracho Dayaat (guide to right Direction). 
O God! Deploy our intellect on the right path. 

Full scientific interpretation of the Mantra: 
The Earth (Bhoor), the Planets (Bhuvah) and the Galaxies (Swaah) are moving at a very great velocity, the sound produced is Om, (the name of formless God).  
That God (Tat) who manifests Himself in the form of Light of Suns (Savitur) is worthy of bowing/respect (Varenyam). 
We all, therefore, should meditate (Dhee Mahi) upon the Light (Bhargo) of that Deity (Dev Asya) and also do chanting of Om. 
May He (Yo) guide in right direction (Pracho Dayaat) our (Nah) intellect Dhiyo.

So we notice that the important points hinted in the mantra are:-

1) The total kinetic energy generated by the movement of galaxies acts as an umbrella and balances the total energy consumption of the cosmos. Hence it was named as the Pranavah (body of energy). This is equal to 1/2 mv2 (Mass of galaxies x square of velocity.)

2) Realizing the great importance of the syllable OM , the other later date religions adopted this word with a slight change in accent, viz., Amen and Ameen.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Deepawali - Festival of Lights

Deepawali - Festival of Lights

India is a Country of Festivals, where there will be one or other Festival celebrated by people throughout the year.

Deepawali, also pronounced as Diwali, is the Festival of Lights.

Deepawali Festival is the Biggest Festival which is Celebrated not only All Over the India, but in Some Other Countries also.

The word Deepawali is derived from 2 words - ‘Deep’ (means Lamp) and “Awali” (means Light).

On this Festival, people lit Lamps all over their Home and also burn Crackers.

The first day is called as Aswayuja Bahula Chaturdasi, also called as 
Narak Chaturdashi.

“Naraka” was a Demon King, son of Bhuma Devi (or Bhu Devi) otherwise known as Mother Earth. He did a severe penance (Thapas or Prayers) towards Lord Brahma and got his wish fulfilled, that he should be killed only by his mother.

He was sure that no mother will kill her own son. So, he cruelly tortured all living beings, with his immense power. The unbearable saints pleaded Lord Vishnu to save them from the tyranny of the Demon.

Lord Vishnu blessed them that he will kill Naraka during his Avatar as Lord Krishna.

During the Krishna Avatar, Bhu-Devi was in the Avatar of Satya Bhama, wife of Lord Krishna.

Lord Krishna went for a war with Naraka, having his wife Satya Bhama as his Charioteer.

During the war, Lord Krishna acted as if he got hurt by the arrows of Naraka and acted as fainted.


By seeing this, Satya Bhama, who was not aware of her Poorva-Janma (the Previous Birth), got angry and took her Bow and aimed Arrows at Naraka.
Being the mother of Naraka, she was able to kill him. The Demon King’s live got ended in the hands of his own mother.

Before dying, Naraka prayed Lord Krishna and asked for a Wish that people should celebrate his death as a Festival and should not forget him. Lord Krishna gave him Gyaana (Good Knowledge) and blessed him.

This is how the Festival Deepawali origined.

It is also said as a Festival to remove Darkness from your Heart, by lighting Lamps of Knowledge.


The 2nd day is Amavasya, the No-Moon-Day.
This day, people perform Lakshmi Pooja and offer prayers towards Goddess Lakshmi, who is the Goddess of Wealth.

 It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi would be in her Benevolent Mood on this day and She fulfills the wishes of Her Devotees.

3rd day is “Kartika Shudda Padyami.” This day is associated with a story that this day Lord Vishnu taught a lesson to a Demon King - Bali, but later blessed him because of his Good Qualities.

On this day (Kartika Shudda Padyami), it is believed that Bali would come out of Pataal-Lok (Under World) and rule Bhu-Lok (Earth) as per the boon given by Lord Vishnu. Hence, it is also known as “Bali Padyami”.

4th day is referred to as “Yam Dvitiya or Bhaayi Dooj” 
On this day, Sisters invite their Brothers to their Homes and serve them with Special Dishes and do Poojas for their Welfare.

In northern parts of India, Deepawali is celebrated as the Festival to mark return of Lord Ram along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman from his 14 years of exile after killing the Demon King Ravan. 

To commemorate his return to Ayodhya, his people illuminated the entire Kingdom with Beautiful Lamps and burst Crackers.

For the Gujaratis, Marwaris and for other Business Community People, Deepawali marks the Day for Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and also the beginning of the New Financial Year.

For Bengalis, Deepawali is the time to worship Goddess Kali or Durga, who killed the demon Mahishasura, which gave Goddess Durga another name as “Mahishasur-Mardini”.

Whatever the stories associated, Deepawali is a reason for Family get together in most of the Families. 

It is a reason for Youngers to enjoy Wearing New Dresses and Bursting Crackers.

It is a reason for Elders to enjoy New Dishes & Sweets and blessing their Younger Generation.

Deepawali is a Festival of Joy. Enjoy and Make Fun.

May God Shower All His Blessings On You